Retailers deal with different types of customers on a daily basis. From the in and out shoppers, chatty shoppers, to the wanderers, among others, your employees will have to be on their guard on what kind of characters are walking into the store.
By recognizing the type of shopper they are dealing with, they will be in a better position to respond quickly and appropriately to ensure they appease the customers. To help you do this we have compiled a list of the 7 types of customers in your midst and how to deal with them.
1. The in- and out Customer
There are customers who already know what they want in a store and all they do is walk in, pick the items, and leave. Since they have already made up their mind on what to purchase the best way to deal with these characters is get out of their way. If they have any questions, answer them straight away without trying to change their mind to buy any other products.
As they are already in a hurry, you can make the shopping process simple by assisting them to a less busy counter where checkout will be quick. If all the checkout counters have a long line, use your POS system to check them out. Note that, another way to cater to the customer on a mission is to offer online purchases but in-store pickups.
2. Well-Informed Shopper/Research Shopper
Another common type of customer you will come across is the well-informed shoppers who have researched the products they are interested in before even walking into the store. Meaning they have read product descriptions, check reviews, and compared prices beforehand. Therefore, the best way to connect with these customers is to get in front of them while in the research period.
Start by making sure they get detailed information about your store, products, and services through different channels. This might be your social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as other sites like Tripadvisor or Yelp. Don’t forget your website needs to be updated regularly too. Also, if you get any positive reviews, do thank the customers and if it is any negative reviews, apologize to the customer who wrote it down then address the matter immediately.
Beck to the in-store situation, when you come face to face with this type of customer, first acknowledge their expertise and then listen to what they have to say. Afterward, ask them if you can help them by answering any question they might have and assist them from there.
3. The Chatty Shopper
Unlike the in and out customers, they are people who love chatting up employees while shopping. This type of shoppers is great to be around for a while but might start irritating you especially if the store is busy. However, you should learn to be an active listener and never show these characters they are boring to avoid losing them as customers. Even when you find you don’t have time to listen to their stories or need to attend to other customers, find a polite way to excuse yourself as you leave them to their shopping.
4. The Wanderer
There is no store that doesn’t have this type of customer. Mostly found wondering around the store without any intention of buying anything, you should try to make them feel at home by acknowledging their presence with a simple greeting. Afterward, you can ask politely if there is anything in particular they are looking for and if they say they are just browsing, just back off.
Don’t push them towards making any purchase but just let them know you are available if they have any questions. Keep in mind, if they do ask any questions respond with accurate answers. However, there can be some changes in your store you can implement to make the wanderers be active customers.
First of all, you might change the physical layout of the store by placing the best and most profitable products on the entrance. Secondly, you can put the easy to grab items at arm’s reach to encourage them to purchase when browsing. Promotional products are also another great idea for impulse buyers where some of them might be.
5. Regular Customer
There is nothing more retailers love than regular customers. Known to make your store successful, this type of customer should be made to feel special every time they come to the store. The simple gesture should be mentioning their name while greeting them, smiling more pleasantly when around them, and even making a point of informing them first of any new product you may have.
Aside from that, you can offer them a generous loyalty program or invite them to store events strictly meant for loyal customers. Giving them free gifts as well as discounts is also a great way of appreciating them. Note that this not only makes them feel special but they get to bring new customers through word of mouth and social media.
6. Angry Demanding Customer
Every retailer’s goal is to make their customers happy but that is not always the case. Valid complaints are understandable but they are customers who are looking for reasons to be upset no matter how minor the problem is. However, no matter how you might dread dealing with these customers, you will need to listen to them calmly and come up with a solution. Always remember, the solution might not be what the customer expected but if you know it’s the right one, stand your ground to avoid being forced to make any deal.
7. Bargain Hunter
Love them or hate them, bargain hunters are here to stay and they always have one thing in their mind, the price of the product. They are always looking for the lowest price in products and are willing to shop until they find it. Nevertheless, just like other types of customers, there are ways you can deal with them.
The first step is by persuading them the products you are selling are of high quality and will save them money in the long run. Another way to change their mind about buying your products no matter the price is offering a better guarantee of the product. If that doesn’t work, then point out any sale promotions and deals you might have at the store. Additionally, offering flat discounts if they spend a specific amount of money can also get them interested in purchasing your products.
So, what type of customers does your store attract most and are you ready to implement the above tactics on how to deal with them?